<CORSA Chapters> Econo rules

AeroNed at aol.com AeroNed at aol.com
Sat Aug 11 01:30:37 EDT 2007

I think the first thing that needs to be done to insure the econorun, and  
other events, are safe is that the existing rules must be followed. The  rules 
state that the econorun time limit should be based on the normal driving  
conditions and speed limit. That means if the route is 60 miles the time limit  
shouldn't be 3 hours. 
Second, the route should be out of congested areas like cities. Get the car  
out where there is less traffic and other hazards.
Following these two simple, already existing regulations would eliminate  
many of the safety concerns. See, I don't think our views that far off  from one 
another, sorry.

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