<CORSA Chapters> Local Clubs and their communication

aeroned at aol.com aeroned at aol.com
Thu Nov 3 21:49:27 EDT 2011

Hi Bob,

We, Mid Continent Corvair Association, have a monthly newsletter that goes out electronically and via the US mail.

We also have a website on the CORSA server as well as our own web address, www.kansascorvairs.org, which doesn't get updated as much as it should. The web master can be a lazy bum (that would be me). We also have a Facebook page that is pretty active.

Interesting side story... About 3 or 4 years ago, when I was on the CORSA board of directors, we created an award for chapter web pages, similar to the newsletter award. Anyone want to guess how many times the award has been handed out? Not even once! How's that for inspiring those chapters to keep their site up to date.


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