<CORSA Chapters> Chapter fees and reports

Bryan Blackwell bryan at skiblack.com
Wed Dec 2 11:15:26 EST 2015

On Dec 2, 2015, at 10:16 AM, aeroned <aeroned at aol.com> wrote:
> So if someone was looking for a CORSA chapter in those areas of Florida for the past 9 years (9 years!) they would find nothing, get no reply? 
> Too bad CORSA doesn't have anyone in charge to keep the current chapter list current.
My suspicion is that the Chapter info didn't get updated because the various reporting mechanisms were in flux.  We are making efforts on that front, this is one of them.  Cleaning up the info will be good for everyone.  I will point out that my original message said that someone is leading this effort, so I'd say that CORSA does indeed have someone in charge of getting the chapter list current.  A better system to keep it current is another project, and of course CORSA is made up of the efforts of members, not being a division of GM as many people seem to think.

However, you make a good point that the local clubs in those areas have gone away, but almost certainly there are owners in sunny Florida.  At the CORSA level there is not a lot that can be done, this is much more a local issue.  Certainly if someone in those areas wanted to resurrect their club it would be easier to do it now than try and create one later.

Forward this message or the previous one to anyone so interested and have them get in touch with me, I'll get them what they need to make the Chapter active.


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