<CORSA Chapters> Possible Stanley Steamer Visit and Rockville Show

hallgrenn at aol.com hallgrenn at aol.com
Fri Jul 13 10:33:43 EDT 2018

Barbara Torbert and Gus sent an email to me that their son had talked with a Stanley Steamer collector who would be open to a Group Corvair visit--possibly in late August.  He lives in Wellsville PA.  More info to follow.

I have asked Amanda Knox of Rockville to keep at least four dedicated spaces open for Corvairs during their initial field layout planning, but that I thought more Corvair show cars would register.  Please let me know if (and when) you register so I can continue to lobby for a large enough Corvair area.  It's only $10.00 folks.  Group Corvair will coordinate the coverage and fire extinguishers. Along with the cars already registered I hope the Yates Yenko, the Govoni early and John Green's Texas Corvair can attend.<div>Thanks 
Bob Hall
301 213 9852
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Simpson <simpson661 at gmail.com>
To: Al Harris <brps at crosslink.net>; Andrew <andrewdan_dc at yahoo.com>; Bill Elliott <Corvair at fnader.com>; Bob & Jane Lewis <rtl1936 at gmail.com>; Bob Hall <HallGrenn at aol.com>; Bob Marlow <Vairtec at optonline.net>; Bob Marshall <ram19195 at gmail.com>; Bob Walker <bobrstn at gmail.com>; Bryan Blackwell <bryan at skiblack.com>; Chuck Sadek <chsadek at comcast.net>; CORSA Chapters <chapters at corvair.org>; CORSA Newsletters <newsletters at corvair.org>; Curt Shimp <clshimp at q.com>; Darrin Hartzler <dhartzler at ifc.org>; Dave Edsinger <yenkodave at aol.com>; Dave Proctor <spekout at yahoo.com>; Dick Winchester <rdwinchester at verizon.net>; Don Hibbard <botdeh at verizon.net>; Earl Gobrecht Jr. <egoby at netzero.com>; Gary Moore <hacoanews at gmail.com>; Greg Walthour <63redbrier at cox.net>; Gus & Barbara Torbert <barbara.torbert at hotmail.com>; Harry Yarnell <harryyarnell at verizon.net>; Harry Jensen <corsa at corvair.org>; Jack Dempsey <wdempsey at copper.net>; James Bowersox <jimb217 at gmail.com>; Jerry Yates <yatesj at verizon.net>; Jim Govoni <jkfg717 at gmail.com>; Joe Darinsig <joedarinsig at yahoo.com>; John Green <john.h.green at gmail.com>; John Herkenratt <jherken1 at netzero.com>; Lee Cramp <alcramp at msn.com>; Lorraine Gray <ldgray1 at yahoo.com>; Mark Clarke <mwclarke01 at hotmail.com>; Marolyn Sue Simpson <m.simpson7 at verizon.net>; Mike McGowan <mcvair at sbcglobal.net>; Mike Stillwell <yenko117 at yahoo.com>; Phil Richardson <Par429 at aol.com>; Randy Morris <moms2kids83 at yahoo.com>; Rick Sanford <rsanford at werres.com>; Rob Neighbor <GPARob at aol.com>; Robert Winokur <Kkarbob at aol.com>; Ron & Faye Moss <ronmoss11 at verizon.net>; Ron Fedorczak <rfedorczak at aol.com>; Rory Clark <roryinmd at gmail.com>; Seth Emerson <sethracer at aol.com>; trailrunner18018 <trailrunner18018 at yahoo.com>; Wade Lanning <wblanning at comcast.net>


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