<CORSA Chapters> November MCCA meeting postponed one week

TERRY KALP tkalp at cox.net
Fri Nov 9 16:22:13 EST 2018

The November MCCA meeting is postponed until next Saturday, November 17.Bob Bright https://www.facebook.com/bob.bright.73?fref=gs&__tn__=%2CdK-R-R&eid=ARBUjkCAGridrqPUQ5v13GGSwjrbxo5sfaRI52lVM4pJFnQXVbwmQEMkOClazfxtf4RcCcN0q5jpjqiB&dti=105523176146520&hc_location=group 's mother is having some medical issues and is in the ICU. Keep the Bright family in your thoughts and prayers. We will still meet at the Brights for an Italian dinner, it will just be next Saturday

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