<CORSA Chapters> Looking for photos and recollections of John Fitch's presentation at the 1991 Washington CORSA Convention

Jim Simpson simpson661 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 21:53:46 EDT 2021

John Fitch attended and made a presentation at the 1991 CORSA convention in
Washington, DC.  He loaned us his prototype Fitch Phoenix to display as

Unfortunately, the "official" photos of the Phoenix were lost and there was
never an article written about his presentation.  There nothing published
in the September 1991 CORSA Communique at all about him or the car -- it
was as if they'd never been at the convention.

I'm looking for anyone who has photos and/or recollections of his
presentation.  I'd like to complete the record of the convention.

If you were there and remember anything or have any photos, I'd greatly
appreciate hearing from you.

Thanks in advance.

Jim Simpson
Group Corvair

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