<VV> Re: [FC] Electric Fuel Pump Failure II

The Source, Inc. corvanatics@corvair.org
Wed Jul 30 15:56:01 2003

I can assure you that lots of  FAA certified aircraft have mechanical 
fuel pumps and auxiliary electric fuel pumps; I learned allot in 3 years 
of  frivolous litigation. I should have known some idiots all  for 
profit would take an automotive part, modify it, drive it at 1.6 time 
maximum operating rpm, someone else would fly it for 3 years - no 
problems, then a new owner doing low level aerobatics would stall, 
panic, crash and kill himself. The heirs would sue everyone as the 
automotive mechanical fuel pumps check valves had both failed ( upon 
impact - airframe shortened 75%) but diaphgrams were intact.
I should have known the possible uses for my automotive fuel pump in an 
aircraft that is not Corvair powered ... GM spent + $1,000,000.00 Dana + 
$ 500,000. and  it almost bankrupted me.

Ebarr19@aol.com wrote:

>A side note.
>  A lot of Aircraft have mechanical fuel pumps and also have electric fuel 
>pumps that is required to be turned on for takeoff and for landings. 
>  Gene Barr