[FC] Two Cents

Paul Steinberg corvanatics@corvair.org
Tue Mar 4 22:56:01 2003

Product liability isn't much of a problem with a glove box hinge, but could be
a devastating problem if either of the items that you mention were to fail.
I believe that is why it isn't done.  The best that you can do is to try to
find a good used or NOS part for a replacement or do the rebuilding yourself.
I know that I wouldn't want to take that responsibility if something went
wrong with work that I had done.  One might say that we have the lawyers to
blame for the present state of liability affairs, but I say it is the people
that go to the lawyers looking for compensation when something goes wrong that
are to blame.  Many times it is their own fault they get hurt.  An example of
this is the person that puts their hand into the chute of the snow blower to
clear a clog and lose fingers.  They blame the manufacturer for their
stupidity and want to be compensated!!  Paul in CT
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Charles B.M.Wrobel
  To: corvanatics@corvair.org
  Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 10:46 PM
  Subject: [FC] Two Cents

  I've seen a lot of parts available for the FC but what
  I'd really like to see is a rebuildable rear wheel
  bearing and a rebuilt relay arm. I'm not too worried
  about a reproduction Glove Box Hinge.

  I'm just hoping to add my voice to express a need for
  some basic parts we will all need at some point.

  - Charles
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