Clark Hartzel corvanatics@corvair.org
Sun May 2 08:40:01 2004

Someone (maybe even the factory) put a 1964 car control arm on the van.  The
leaf spring won't fit as the tread width is greater on an FC.  The control
arms are the same as a car but the "horse collar" body mount is wider than a
car.  This is why FC axles are longer than car axles.
Clark Hartzel

-----Original Message-----
From: corvanatics-admin@corvair.org
[mailto:corvanatics-admin@corvair.org]On Behalf Of N2VZD@aol.com
Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 4:59 PM
To: corvanatics@corvair.org
Subject: [FC] STRANGE? REAR A ARM(rh only)

i am working on a 65 greenbrier deluxe  , putting engine etc back in shape.
today while jacking it back in i noticed the right aframe has punched out
for the 64 style rear spring attachment pin mount. the left does not have
this or my 64 greenbrier or the 63 rampy....i took pictures. anyone ever put
a 64
type rear spring on a fc?  this will be a group red candidate when i get
to write the sad long story. regards tim colson
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