[FC] Defective Part Ruins Weekend

Greenbrier Goon greenbriergoon at yahoo.com
Sun May 29 01:28:46 EDT 2005

I spent much of today converting my FC from an electric fuel pump back to a stock mechanical pump.  I had purchased the metal lines, fuel pump, push rod, etc from a leading Corvair vendor.
The problem was with the pushrod.  It was way too tight when I tried to install it into the alternator mount.  Not wanting to wait until Tuesday to contact the vendor, I figured I could just sand down the diameter slightly with some 220 grit and 400 grit sandpaper.
I worked on the thing for an hour and a half.  It slid in most of the way very easily but then would stick as I pushed it all the way in.
Finally I took it out of the engine and put it in a drill.  As the drill spun I could see that the new push rod was bent.  Now I'm screwed. I'll have to get ahold of the vendor on Tuesday and wait around for a non-defective part to arrive.
Anyway, if anyone has purchased a new fuel pump push rod lately, stick it in a power drill and spin it before installing it.  It may be bent.

Greenbrier World:
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