[FC] 65 pg differential case needed

Dale Dewald dkdewald at pasty.net
Tue Nov 6 23:10:00 EST 2007

Hello Tim,

At 17:19 11/6/07 -0500, N2VZD at aol.com wrote:
>anyone have a 65 powerglide differential case for sale?  it must be a  65
>with the strut mount holes and a hole for the speedo gear. bare case would 

You are speaking of the later '65 FC case--apparently the early '65 FC's 
came with the '64 style differential.

I do not have this type of differential case but I do have the information 
and fixture for making one from a '65 car case.  It involves drilling and 
boring out the boss for the speedometer drive.  Do you have a spare '65 car 
case to convert?  If you would like to go this route, please let me know 
and also contact Ken Hand [(248) 613-8586].  we should be able to put 
something together for you.

Dale Dewald
Hancock, MI

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