[FC] Synthetic oil...serious tapping

Ken Hand vairmech at aol.com
Sat Jul 10 00:20:30 EDT 2010

 I would dare say that the tapping was not directly caused by the 90% synthetic Mobil 1 oil. In any 10W-40 there is enough of the "zinc" to prevent wear of the camshaft and lifters. There was a very good article that Bob Helt did on oil. Everyone needs to re-read that article. It was a little technical and anyone that wants any explanation in different words, I would be happy to help.

What probably happened is there was a little sludge that got picked up and deposited inside the lifter area or the little extra slippery oil got in the threads and a nut backed off. I would look to see if I could determine which rocker is making noise and investigate. Check the rocker to make sure it is tight without doing any adjusting or loosening. IF everything seems normal that way, you may have a lifter plugged. If The rocker is loose then obviously you need to look into the cause.

There are a couple of things to think about, one; more than likely if something mechanical is wrong it was started well before you changed to the Mobil 1. Two, if you do find the cam or lifter worn the same thing applies.

As far as the simple rule for oil for our cars and FC's any oil that DOES NOT have the energy saving star burst is OK for our engines. Go to the store and compare a 10W-30 oil and a 10W-40 oil and you will see what I mean.


Ken Hand


-----Original Message-----
From: Ben and Lynn Stiles <lbstiles at verizon.net>
To: corvanatics at corvair.org
Sent: Fri, Jul 9, 2010 9:28 pm
Subject: [FC] Synthetic oil...serious tapping

Hello everyone-

I cahnged the oil in the 'Brier to Mobil 1 synthetic (10-W-40) before 

leaving for Iowa. All went well...until the second to last day when I 

started it up and such a racket!! IT was tapping like crazy. Well, we 

had to keep moving, so we did. It got quieter as it got warmer 

throughout the day. Got home with no issues. I just started it up again, 

and it is tapping plenty, though not as badly as that second to last day 

of vacation.

Should I be adding the ZDDP stuff anyway, even though I went with 

synthetic oil to avoid its use? Could I be having issues with the top 

end lifters?


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