Dennis Pleau dpleau at wavecable.com
Tue Nov 16 21:21:08 EST 2010

Your right about the 1, but no Corvairs were produced at Tonawanda, just
Corvair engines.


-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Fregeau [mailto:n5hsr at sprynet.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 5:49 PM
To: kaczmarek at charter.net; 'Dennis Pleau'
Cc: 'VirtualVairs AA'; corvanatics at corvair.org

The extra 1 isn't technically a placeholder.  All plants in those days
started their production numbers at 100001, some of them actually got to 2
or 300,000  Oddly enough the 1969 Corvair production numbers all stated with
7  from W700001 to W706000, as all were made at Willow Run.

So T100001 would have been the first vehicle produced at Tonawanda that
year, and T110266 is the 10,266th vehicle off the line that year.  Had they
produced 99,999 vehicles, the next would have been numbered T200000.  There
were at least a couple years at Willow Run that Corvair production actually
did get over 99,999 vehicles and there were W2xxxxx and I think one year got
up to W3xxxxx.

Don't know when things switched over to production starting with 000001.  

Charles Fregeau

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