[FC] Carburetor Fuel Line Inlet Leaks

ROBERT WILSON scwilson8126 at wowway.com
Thu Jun 20 22:11:50 EDT 2013

Can you use modify  a 140hp secondary carburetor bowl top for use on a primary carburetor by switching the shafts with the choke butterfly ? 

I've been fighting an in let leak on my '65 '95HP engine for years and finally stripped the aluminum where the fuel-filter nut screws in. 

I have a couple of 140 secondaries, but I thought I'd ask before I start tearing everything apart. 

If not, does someone have a '65 primary carburetor top with a good fuel inlet nut they can sell me (email offline). 

I'm in the Royal Oak, MI if anybody's close, or I could have you ship UPS. 


Scott Wilson 

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