[SCG] Future of SCG?

Bill Hubbell whubbell at cox.net
Wed May 5 07:50:14 EDT 2010

Regrettably, I will not be attending the CORSA convention this year, due in
large part to work commitments.  At best, I could have gotten off the 1st 2
days of the convention (Mon-Tue), which would have barely permitted me time
to fly out to Cedar Rapids (from Virginia Beach), attend the two SCG events
on Monday and Tuesday, and then fly home in time to work Wednesday pm.


I have been struggling with my conscience about this for some time.  I want
very much to attend, for I want the SCG to be represented and for its
presence at the CORSA conventions to continue, so I have been very much
considering spending the (not inconsequential) money to make this very short
trip that would likely NOT be very restful under the best of circumstances.


But, these are NOT the best of circumstances.  As no doubt some of you
already know, I have become quite discontent with the direction the current
Concours Administration has taken with its unfortunate choice of language in
naming all non-stock Corvairs "improved", and their responses to my
legitimate concerns (and that of Harry Jensen in particular) has soured my
feelings about spending any more of my time near this group.


Therefore, I have decided it is definitely NOT in my personal best interests
(or health) to put myself through the hassle of the short trip that would
certainly be more stressful than enjoyable.


Unfortunately, , as of this date, I have not gotten a single positive reply
to my post a few months ago asking if one of you would be willing to chair
or help out with the ASCE.


Therefore, it seems our club is at a crossroads.  Either one (or more) of
you who IS attending the convention steps up to the plate to chair the ASCE
and annual meetings, or these events will not happen at this convention.
That could very well be the death knell to this club.


It bothers me greatly to think this might happen, but I have come to realize
that an organization must have the participation of its members or it ceases
to exist.  I am not the SCG.  Either we are all involved, or we cease to


Although I cannot attend, my offer to assist from afar still remains.
Please contact me if you are interested in helping the SCG at the CORSA
convention this year; I will do what I can to assist you.




Bill Hubbell

SCG President


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