[SCG] Fw: Swap Meet May 13

Jerry Brown air_cooled63 at yahoo.com
Thu May 4 14:16:46 EDT 2017

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 2:13 PM, Brad<brad56 at windstream.net> wrote:    
Swap Meet May 13#yiv5674760690 p{margin:10px 0;padding:0;}#yiv5674760690 table{border-collapse:collapse;}#yiv5674760690 h1, #yiv5674760690 h2, #yiv5674760690 h3, #yiv5674760690 h4, #yiv5674760690 h5, #yiv5674760690 h6{display:block;margin:0;padding:0;}#yiv5674760690 img, #yiv5674760690 a img{border:0;height:auto;outline:none;text-decoration:none;}#yiv5674760690 body, #yiv5674760690 #yiv5674760690bodyTable, #yiv5674760690 #yiv5674760690bodyCell{height:100%;margin:0;padding:0;width:100%;}#yiv5674760690 #yiv5674760690outlook a{padding:0;}#yiv5674760690 img{}#yiv5674760690 table{}#yiv5674760690 .yiv5674760690ReadMsgBody{width:100%;}#yiv5674760690 .yiv5674760690ExternalClass{width:100%;}#yiv5674760690 p, #yiv5674760690 a, #yiv5674760690 li, #yiv5674760690 td, #yiv5674760690 blockquote{}#yiv5674760690 a .filtered99999 , #yiv5674760690 a .filtered99999 {color:inherit;cursor:default;text-decoration:none;}#yiv5674760690 p, #yiv5674760690 a, #yiv5674760690 li, #yiv5674760690 td, #yiv5674760690 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The NE Georgia swap meet is Saturday, MAY 13 at the Atlanta Dragway in Commerce, Georgia!

Yes, May 13.

The NHRA’s Southern Nationals are this weekend. We encourage everyone to go to the Southerns, but don’t expect to see the swap meet there!

So now you have an extra week to load up your trailer!
We had 302 vendors at the April swap meet. Like my son always told me: “If something happens three times in a row, that’s ‘normal.’” So I’d LOVE to see everyone make a dedicated effort to be at the swap meet next weekend and push us past 300 vendors--Then we can all start telling people “We normally get 300-plus vendors every month!”

(What’s interesting is I got a call from a guy this week who’s heard about the swap meet for a couple years but he and his friends haven’t ever made it yet—they were vending up at Charlotte this spring, and someone told them they have to start making our show, because we have “at least 400” vendors. Now I’m not gonna spread that number around, and I’ll correct it every time I hear it… but I don’t mind having to correct people on it, so if that keeps getting spread around, I’ll be happy to set people straight. Over and over and over again if need be (if you get my drift). And pretty soon I won’t have to correct them, because having built this swap meet on the maxim “perception is reality,” I know the more people who think we have 400 vendors every month, the sooner we’ll have 400 vendors every month. But right now, it’s 300… which ain’t too shabby.)
Priority Vendor Set-up is 6-7am, and is $30 for all the space you want. (gives you the opportunity to find the exact spot you want, and an extra hour to set up).

General Vendor Set-up is 7am and is $20. For all the space you want. I get asked a lot of you have to be there at 7am. No… I don’t care when you get there, just get there!

Spectator admission and cruise-in cars are $5 per person, kids 12 and under free.
Show wraps up 1-2pm, so get there early!
Wide Open at Lamar Walden Automotive
I asked Rob Walden what they were up to this month—and as always, the answer was “Lots of cool stuff!”
He restored a set of vintage finned aluminum Cal Custom valve covers, which required rebuilding some of the fins, and also restored several intake manifolds, including a factory 427 FE Ford 2x4 intake. I’ve done several stories with Waldens on restoring aluminum, and when they’re done the pieces look concours-correct, with the repairs invisible and the surface a nice smooth, dull aluminum, unlike that unnatural white luster and porous surface you get from simply glass bead blasting cast aluminum. When Walden is done, it looks right, and the closed pores in the surface are very resistant to staining from oil and gas, too.
He’s also been working on several 409 race engines, prepping them for racers at the 409 race at the Hot Rod Reunion this year in Bowling Green, including CNC-porting a bunch of aluminum heads. He also built a road-race LS engine, they’re wrapping up another 6-speed swap into a ’69 Camaro, and they ‘re also buttoning up a FAST system on a Procharger-fed Ramjet 502.
Maybe now that the Spring Gear Jam is behind me, I can finally get down there and have him start working on my 348 Tri-Power build!

Lamar Walden Automotive, Doraville, Georgia; (770) 449-0315, lwarob at gmail.com, lamarwaldenautomotive.com
Extra Special People Mustang Raffle—WAAAAY Short of their goal!

I’ve been doing what I can to push this, because I think it’s a fantastic cause. But they’re woefully short of their goal.

Extra Special People is a charity group that helps developmentally disabled kids. Athens Auto Sports and Athens Ford are involved with them, and they’re raffling off a pretty kick-ass Mustang to raise enough money to send 100 kids to camp this summer. Tickets are $20 each. They’ll have the Raffle Car at the swap meet this month and next, and then it’ll be given to the lucky winner.

I can’t emphasize this enough: $20 is going to mean more to those kids, than it’s ever going to mean to any of us. There are enough of us at the NE Georgia Swap Meet alone that we should be able to raise enough to send 200 kids. Don’t like Fords? Don’t like Mustangs? Well buy a raffle ticket anyway.
I’ve been told by a few of you that you’d get a ticket, but can’t get away from your booth during the swap meet. I’ve talked to them, and they’ll be coming around this month asking all our vendors if they’d like a ticket for the raffle Mustang.

And when they come and ask, the correct answer is “No, I don’t want to buy a ticket—I want to buy two or three.”

If you’re a spectator, swing by their booth and take a couple tickets home with you, too—you won’t miss $20 or $40, I promise you.

The ESP Mustang will be set up next to Athens Auto Sports.

Soda Blasting Last Month’s Swap Meet Finds!

I love my swap meet. I love that there are enough vendors there now, every month (“I heard you get 400 vendors a month!” Not quite, it’s actually over 300 a month now, but unlike other swap meets that advertise the number of spaces they sell, and make vendors buy two or three or more spaces, we give our guys all the space they want, so when we say “300 vendors,” we had 300 vendors with parts on the ground, not 130 vendors taking up 300 spaces…so no, not 400 vendors… it just seems that big!) that you can legitimately find just about whatever you need.

I recently moved into a smaller garage, and really had to tighten up the layout of all my tools and equipment. A small side cabinet to hang on one of my two Craftsman tool boxes would make a perfect spot for the necessary catch-all near your boxes, a nice little work surface for things that take just a couple seconds, a place to set my drink, put the radio… Not a big area, but a big help in a tight shop.
I found a nice Mac side box with a door, five drawers and large storage area, for $40. It’s not dented or rusted, but the paint is old, stained, and there’s some spills on it. I dropped it off at NuTech to have the cabinet and drawer faces blasted, then gave it a fresh coat of red.

I also found a small metal bench with a single drawer that’s perfect for the vintage Craftsman 109 lathe I’ve almost finished restoring. Haven’t gotten that one back yet, but buried under the three layers of paint, the $5 bench is absolutely perfect for the little lathe.  It’s a bolt-together bench, but I’m going to weld all the pieces together, so I’ll tell them not to shoot it in primer when they’re done (they usually prime everything before sending it home).

NuTech Soda Blasting, Jefferson, Georgia; (706) 367-8107, or check out their website at www.nutechsodablasting.com.
The STUFF is getting better!

One of my buddies pointed this out to me at the last show: The quality and desirability of parts at the swap meet has really improved over the last couple years. The NE Georgia Swap Meet has grown into a show where rare, hard-to-find parts are turning up regularly.

>From my own experience, I see it. When I was putting my FE together, someone had a set of factory adjustable rocker arms that you just don’t see often, and there were several vintage aftermarket distributors for it, and a couple intakes (and last month there was an NOS high riser 2x4!). I also spotted an early Corvette factory Powerglide shifter mechanism that I stupidly waffled on. I’d REALLY like to see that back at the show, because I need it to run the PG in my nostalgia Altered!

In the last couple months, I’ve been able to piece together a full set of 15x6 pizza-cutter wheels for the ’62 K10—with four nubs on the center, meaning they’ll clear disc brakes, unlike the earlier three-nubs; and I’ve also put together a full set of 15x8 four-nub wheels. (“Full sets” being four plus the spares)

But the best score is a pair of factory ’60-’68 Chevy 4x4 front tow hooks. I never thought I’d find a set for the truck anywhere, at a price that wasn’t stupid—These are made of Unobtanium: Lovingly mined by garden Gnomes on the Island of Misfit Toys, the ore is hauled out of the mines in carts pulled by Shetland unicorns before being smelted by dragons and forged into big, gnarly bolt-on wart hog tusks.
They’re hanging on my wall, waiting for the rest of the truck.
JP’s Muscle Cars: From LS Donors to Vintage Parts

JP’s Muscle Cars carries a full line of products for everything you can find at our swap meet—their name is “muscle cars,” but their suppliers are Vintage Air, Dynacorn, Classic Industries, PUI, American Autowire, Goodmark, and more—names we’re all familiar with for our projects, regardless of what we’re working on. Order it through JP’s, pick it up at the swap meet, and save yourself shipping. Lots of guys have saved a bundle on large sheet metal items, for instance.

If you’re looking for a good LS donor, JP’s has complete donor vehicles (or parts off them). Buying a complete donor gets you the engine, trans, wiring harness, in-tank fuel pump, electric fan, brakes, and a bunch of other bits. He’s currently got a 2005 Camaro 5.3/auto with 99K miles, 2013 5.3/auto Tahoe, and a 2016 SS Camaro with only 8,000 miles (apparently the original owner was out-performed by his vehicle!).

Johnny also said to let everyone know he has three sets of Camaro SS seats on sale, so give him a call.

JP’s Muscle Cars is at 113 Hammond Drive in Monroe, GA: Call (770) 207-9570 or visit their website at www.jpmusclecars.com.
Mention the NE Georgia Swap Meet, get 10% off all Ford Motorsports orders at Athens Auto Sports!!!

Athens Auto Sports has joined the NE Georgia Swap Meet this year. One of the largest aftermarket and factory Ford suppliers in the country, they are the only authorized Shelby Parts dealer in Georgia, and sell a full line of Ford Performance, Roush, Steeda, Classic Design Concepts, Scott Drake, and Cervini.

This month, mention The North East Georgia Swap Meet, and you’ll get 10-percent off all Ford Performance orders!

You Ford guys know how nice that is for you, but it doesn’t leave the rest of us out: Being mostly a Chevy and Mopar guy, whenever I think about Ford stuff, I think rear ends—the 9-inch and today the 8.8. A quick drive through the Ford Performance catalog shows ring and pinions, limited-slip difs, 9-inch cases and backing plates, rebuild kits, on and on.
And that’s just for those of us with Ford rear ends under our hot rods and trucks.

They also have a full inventory of factory take-off parts, including tires, wheels, tailgates, hoods, front bumper covers, etc.

They’ll be at the swap meet every month, so swing by and see what they’ve got.

4260 Atlanta Highway | Athens, GA 30606
Open M-F 7am-6pm & Saturday 7am-2pm
DCox at athensford.com
Bud’s Garage Radio, Saturdays, noon-1pm, AM 550/FM 102.9

Garage time on Saturdays goes good with the radio… Listening to the Braves in the evenings and Sunday afternoon, a NASCAR race whenever I happen to stumble on one, and good talk radio.
Bud’s Garage has renewed my faith in good, automotive-based radio talk. I can’t STAND those northeast, cheesy “Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers,” their hackneyed shtick and forced, nasaley laughs. They ruined car-guy radio for me. Seriously.

But Bud and Tim are actual car enthusiasts, they talk about a very wide range of cool topics, from hot rods to factory performance, all types of racing, and lots more. It really is like standing in a buddy’s garage, talking cars, and I look forward to being in the shop on Saturday to hear them.

This month they’ll be talking to author John Close and his 1001 NASCAR Facts, Lauren Fix about mother’s day automotive gifts (that could be really dicey, guys…) George Jetson now flying for Uber, production 1965 AWD Mustangs with ABS, and Motor Trend test driver Randy Pobst.

See what I mean? GOOD topics! And all talked about with fun and humor. You hear Bud, Tim and their guests, and you want to hang out with them.

For those who miss the fun on Saturdays, podcasts sponsored by YearOne are available at Access WDUN.com/Show Clips.
2017 Dates
May 13
June 3
July 1
August 5
September 2
October 7
November 4
December 2
Gear Jam Vintage Drags Fall Nats: October 20-21
Email Reminder List Name Drive
STILL not up to 5,000 names on my email reminder list, so if you get this, please forward it to someone you know would want to get reminders for the monthly shows and tell them to get on the list.
Or, just bootleg their email address to me on your own, and I’ll add them to it!


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