[SCG] Researching 1964 Fawn Interiors - more cars needed!

William Hubbell whubbell at umich.edu
Fri Jun 18 11:23:31 EDT 2021

I am researching 1964 Fawn interiors - I got started on this when restoring the John Glenn Corvair and discovered there are two different versions - those which used Medium Fawn paint around the door and quarter interiors, and those which used Light Fawn in those locations.  

So far, I’ve documented about 5 cars, all built in the first 5 months of the 1964 model year (before January 1964) which used Medium Fawn, and about 6 cars built later which used light Fawn.  I am looking for more cars to expand the database and test the theory that the color changed mid year.  Note that this color change is undocumented in any literature, per discussion with Dave Newell. 

If you know of any 1964 Cars with Fawn interior (paint code F would be on the Fisher tag) please let me know.  If possible, please provider build date and photo(s) of the door and/or quarter. 



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