[V8Vairs] Heater options?

Delta Mfg. deltainc at grm.net
Sun Nov 30 20:56:53 EST 2008

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Craig Nicol" <nicolcs at aol.com>
Subject: [V8Vairs] Heater options?

> I'm beginning the installation of a 215 V8 into my '66. The motor will be 
> in
> the stock (rear) location.  Anybody have a trick solution for the heater?
JC Whitney sells ( used to anyway, I got one in a midv8 ) a small triangular 
exchanger that is pretty compact ...   it's heavy, bolt it down well for 
safety.  If you put it into the output circuit of the engine, it will be way 
hot, but would help provide a bunch of cooling if you needed it ....  it 
should be plumbed into a main coolant line bypass in any case, so to not 
impede the main cooling radiator.

Wonder if in your installation it would fit in the right rear fender well 
and a sheet metal outfit could bang you out an adapter to blow output air 
thru your existing ducts. ??

Mine sets on the front passenger floor board, I cant get any volunteer 
passengers anymore (g)...

just some thoughts ... ken campbell, Iowuh

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