[V8Vairs] Successful Rear Radiator

Matt Nall patiomatt at aol.com
Mon Dec 30 21:50:12 EST 2013

 My  little  Monza 
[I  have  owned  for  18 yrs.]  has  some  rust  issues  in  the  tail. I  have  
already  made  some  drawings, extending  the  tail , and  including  ductwork  
in  the  process. First,  I  need  to  fab  an "oven"  to  cook  the  glass  
parts  in  cold  weather [not  a  big  deal] . I  may  never  get  it  to  work 
, but , it  looks  like  a  fun  project.  

         Maybe  I  can  figure  something  that  might  help  Doug  along.  
Nobody  approahes  a  problem  from  the  same  direction. 

                                                        Happy  Holidays   Bob  
Isaac     '67  Monza 


Bob... please attach some pictures of your car.....  As you say everyone has a different way of approaching / building things....

 Let's see what you have!

Matt Nall
Charleston, Oregon



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