<VV> Solvent down the ports

Mikeamauro@aol.com Mikeamauro@aol.com
Fri, 9 Apr 2004 07:31:20 EDT

NO!  you do it after you pulled the head...shows whether the valves are 
really the culprit..

NOW  you are apart...but would've then pulled the barrel....no wasted labor!

PS   do this when buying used heads.....usually drops the price dramatically! 



Matt....I agree that solvent works for checking the heads off the car.  
However, in the case of the engine I'm rebuilding right now, both the valves and a 
broken compression ring were at fault for the poor cranking compression, The 
leak down test told me the valves were leaking, but also told me (by air coming 
out of the oil fill spout) that rings were an issue, too.  Until I did the 
leak down test, I was all set to just pull the heads with engine in vehicle.  
The leak down test saved me, in the long run, a lot of work.