<VV> Election Polling

sarahvair@juno.com sarahvair@juno.com
Fri, 16 Apr 2004 10:48:34 GMT


An unidentified source has done a non-scientific poll outside of my mailbox the last month or so.  Results are:  In the West Larry Forman  is winning by a landslide.  Of course I can neither confirm or deny. :-)

Seriously, the ballots were coming in hot and heavy the first few weeks of March.  Now I'm lucky if I get 2 - 3 a day.  If you haven't done so already, please go back to your March Communique, read the statements of all the candidates and make your selection and return to me.  For those of you in the Central Division, you have 4 candidates to choose from and you can vote for two.

Thanks and I look forward to the postperson carrying canvas bags loaded down with yellow ballots to my door in the few weeks.  Remember, I need to have them in my mailbox by 5/1.

