<VV> valve adjustments (humor?)

Louis C. Armer, Jr. carmerjr@mindspring.com
Tue, 20 Apr 2004 22:59:37 -0400

Well Hubblescope, I'm sure you are a good Doctor, a fine President
and an outstanding Family man.................However as a political
candidate you are dramatically lowering your Power base by constantly
being a proponent of lost causes...................ie "EM's are better" and
"Cold valve lifter adjustment is better than 
a wily Politician yet are you !!! <GGG>

"Yoda" Guru of Darth Vair
At 02:55 PM 4/20/04 -0400, Bill Hubbell wrote:
>Well, I have been daily driving the Glenn car for two years and it has never
>needed a valve adjustment, and it is not a "new" engine by any means.  In
>fact, none of my previous daily driven Corvairs have ever need a valve
>adjustment after I set them cold - new engine or not.
>I thought we retired that old saw about Corvairs needing periodic valve
>adjustments years ago.  If your engines need a "valve lash touch-up every
>year or so" I would suspect something is either wrong with your engines or
>wrong with the mechanic adjusting the valves.
>Like I said before, do the cold adjustment correctly the first time and
>never worry about the valves again.


Corvair Atlanta, BOD
CORSA Tri-Membership Chairman