<VV> voltage regulator problem with "late model"

Mike Stillwell yenko117@yahoo.com
Wed, 22 Dec 2004 12:52:34 -0800 (PST)

--- UltraMonzaWest@aol.com wrote:
> 4  GROUNDED???  It's "internally grounded"...mounted
> by the factory with 3 RUBBER mounts....FORD/
> CHRYSLER  products of the 50-60's were externally
> grounded!
> Matt N.

 Yeah - there's a little ground wire from the base of
the regulator to the "firewall", above the regulator.
It's maybe 4 inches long. Granted I've seen cars live
without them, and the new regulators from Clark's are
not drilled for the mounting bolt. 


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