<VV> Windshield Washer Fluid(some Corvair)

Marc Sheridan sheridanma@adelphia.net
Wed, 22 Dec 2004 21:57:29 -0500

My experience is the exact opposite. I've driven in driving rain storms 
at the posted speed limit while the RainXless people were parked on the 
side of the road. And has been mentioned before, frost and ice just pop 
right off RainX treated glass.

Sure, you have to keep it up, but you change your oil don't you? Are you 
going to stop using oil too ? :o)

If you can't tell, I like RainX :o).

Marc Sheridan

Ebarr19@aol.com wrote:

>I have had bad luck with Rain-X, when you start using it you have to keep 
>using it. If you stop your wipers will cause streaking on the windshield and 
>takes forever to clean off. I suggest using Rain-X only if you don't use wipers, 
>like airplanes and boats.
>My 2-cents
>  Gene Barr