<VV> paint/rust question

James & Erin Marispini cyberkahuna@qwest.net
Fri, 24 Dec 2004 10:50:07 -0600

CANADIAN manufactured Corvairs always used enamel! So be careful dissing enamel as 'not original'. It's original for some...
1965 Canadian Corsa cvt 140/4 red/white/black

Maybe so. but corvairs made in AMERICA used LAQUER. And that is what you MOSTLY see here in AMERICA. Did you ever see the movie stripes? When john candy and another guy were picking theyr bunks in the barracks and john candy informed the other guy that he had to sleep on the top bunk cause they were in america. And that thats how it works exept if your living in germany. then its reversed. Same thing!