<VV> Re: Finding TDC

vairologist@juno.com vairologist@juno.com
Mon, 2 Feb 2004 11:30:25 -0500

> From: "Charles Kruger" <ckruger@fin-x.com>
>> how do i get TDC on this engine ?
Smitty says:  Charles I got a lot of razzing from others for promoting
this method before.  I don't mind as long as it helps someone out.  This
is absolutely a failproof method.  Doesn't require pulling valve covers
or seeing which 180 works.
        Get a 2-3 ft length of hose with an outside diameter that will
screw into the #1 spark plug hole.  Stick the other end in your mouth. 
Rotate the engine counterclockwise with a 3/4 wrench.  When it comes up
on #1 it will puff your cheeks out.