<VV> Re:College Student's Corvair Saved,

UltraMonzaWest@aol.com UltraMonzaWest@aol.com
Sun, 15 Feb 2004 19:21:07 EST

pottsf@msn.com writes:

> We took off the right carburetor, cleaned it up, and replaced ONLY the
> float valve with new. We reset float drop and level, which were badly wrong

Way to go guys!!   but!

Tip of the day;   changing the needle/seat does not usually change the float 
settings daramatically...so....

the other carb may be set wrong also.....at least he watched you guys do 
it..so he can check the rest later...

"nothing like "hands on training"!...and he can never say "I don't know how"  

Matt....who's Son could change the oil in his gokart at 18 mths!.....