<VV> Re: Nylon Relay Rod Bushing

vairologist@juno.com vairologist@juno.com
Sat, 21 Feb 2004 23:50:12 -0500

> Smitty says:  Unfortunately that is one of the problems with the 
> nylon pitman arm bushings.  No provision is made to keep moisture out. 
> Could you explain what modification you did to allow for relube? 
> Thanks!
> Dave
Smitty says:  I scribed a spiral groove the length of the inside of the
bushing with a tiny ball grinder in a Dremel tool.  Then scribed another
all the way around the center of the bushing inside.  With the metal
sleeve and nylon installed, I drilled through the end of the relay rod
and tapped for a Zerk fitting.  With the bolt installed grease comes into
the circular groove and encircles the bolt, intersects with the spiral
groove which feeds it both ways.  I have one in use installed 14 years
ago which still has rotational friction and no rust.