<VV> Alternator Problem

Tony tonyu@roava.net
Thu, 26 Feb 2004 17:05:06 -0800

At 1658 02/26/2004 -0500, vairologist@juno.com wrote:
>Smitty says;  Got a problem with the Boss's Rampy charging system.  Alt
>light came and went for a couple of days, finally staying on.  Started by
>jumpering Bat + to the field terminal.  Alt output 17 volts or so. 
>Changed the regulator.  No change.  Read out every wire in the system and
>checked terminals for looseness and corrosion, visually and with an ohm
>meter.  Tried another reg, No change.  Tried another Alt, No change. 
>Answer to me is, field lead from reg not sending signal to Alt but I'm
>Stumped.  Apologys to Marlow for abreviations.  gg 

Check the ALT light to see if it's now burned out.  Sometimes a charging
system problem, especially when there's been 17 volts or more on the lines,
can blip the blub into oblivion.   

The light serves as part of the circuit to the alt/reg and although the
light is supposed to be bypassed by a resister (to prevent the problem I'm
about to describe), sometimes it's not (for whatever reason) and if the
light fails, it will actually cause the very problem it's supposed to
indicate, no charge... *Depending* upon what else might be afflicting the
charging system wiring.   

I went through this exact same thing with the ragtop not long ago after
swapping the alt and reg.  Pisser when you find it's just a light bulb...     
