<VV> Concours awards

Clark Hartzel chartzel@comcast.net
Fri, 11 Jun 2004 12:13:02 -0400

Another problem with the gold, silver and bronze awards is the event
chairman doesn't know how many awards to order.  When our Vermont club did
the national in Lake Placid, Bill Cotrofeld ordered what he thought would
cover it, but it didn't.  You can't just multiply 3 awards times the number
of classes as there might be 10 cars that win golds, 20 cars silver and 50
cars bronze.  There is no way of knowing how many 95 point cars come verses
the lower scorers.  We ended up giving the awards to the people we might not
see for a while and telling the locals or others we knew well that we would
mail their awards.  If you over-order the awards, the company won't take
them back, so you are stuck with them.
Personally, I prefer 1st, 2nd and 3rd.  If someone is the only car in a
class, give him 1st place.  At least he showed up!
Clark Hartzel
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