<VV> dash plaque madness

Tony Underwood tonyu@roava.net
Thu, 24 Jun 2004 10:21:36 -0700

At 12:45 hours 06/24/2004 +0000, kaczmarek@charter.net wrote:
>Good Morning all
>Interesting dissertations on Dash Plaques. 
>As for Me, I like to get them, whether I had a car there or not. Got my
first in 1990, and keep them on my toolbox in the shop. 
>Last years at Carlisle was a refrigerator magnet. Now this may have had
something to do with Ward B. having a magnetic sign business, and he was
handy and one of the organizers...
>I have no intent or desire to deride or defame Ward for his service. As a
refrigerator magnet, it's tops...(Wanda collects them, so I don't have that
one on the tool box)
>OTOH, for folks like Mark C. and Smitty, as well as other collections of
dash plaques I have seen over the years (CORSA NC has a great collection of
plaques from their Fall Affair meets) a nice display looks a might cheesy
with a refrigerator magnet amongst all the custom plaques.  

Well, I for one kinda like the magnetic plaques.   They mold themselves
perfectly to a late glovebox door and dash.   The '67 500 coupe is
collecting a few these days.  

>And not to get one from a National event is strange indeed. 

As mentioned earlier, I'm gonna make my own, based on the Lex Nats logo and
stick it on the glovebox beside the others.    It may be unofficial but it
will fill the slot.   

>Not trying to be judgemental or critical, just unusual for any national
car club event. 

I'm not judging either.   The laack of a daash plaack ;) is the least of
the things compared to all the good stuff that happened at Lexington.     

>Perhaps Convention Chairmen should take note of this discussion  

Oh, you can bet they already have...    

Meanwhile:    An extra Pizza Hut fridge magnet gets peeled apart, a scanned
logo of the Lex Nats gets printed off onto photo paper, some spray-on
contact cement, and there we are.    The empty spot on the glove box door
is good to go.    

...and the other guys among RVCC (local chapter) who aren't on VV who
attended Lex will be asking why *they* didn't get a plaack.  
