<VV> Emblem locations

Dennis Nichols dixiehwy25@yahoo.com
Mon, 28 Jun 2004 10:53:10 -0700 (PDT)

I can't give you the dimensions, but I'd CAREFULLY examine the area wher the emblem should be. Check both sides of the sheet metal if possible. My 1966 Corsa had all of it's emblems deleted, but a close examination revealed where the holes had been filled in.  Feel the area as well, if you can't see anything. If you think you've found the holes, then obviously see if the pattern make sense. Good luck

valleyfever@sbcglobal.net wrote:Hello, Can anyone tell me the measurments as to were the "Corvair" emblem and
the crossed flags should go on the rear deck of a 1962 Monza Coupe.

"Every time a man gets in his car it should be a vacation"- Harley Earl

Dennis Nichols    CORSA, CKC

1961 Lakewood 700 98/3 

Interested in wagons? lakewood700@yahoo.com


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