<VV> Re: Early Rear Toe In

vairologist@juno.com vairologist@juno.com
Sat, 1 May 2004 14:48:54 -0400

> From: "goofyroo@excite.com" <goofyroo@excite.com>
> Date: Sat,  1 May 2004 08:17:07 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: <VV> Rear Wheel Alignment
>  The guy at my alignment shop is doing his best with my '63.  He 
> says the rear is toed out, one wheel more than the other, but he 
> can't get the axles to move no matter what.  He's following the Shop 
> Manual, adding shims, etc., and even prying against the transmission 
> mount to try to change the setting, but it won't budge.  Any ideas?
Smitty says:  Well first of all the rear motor mount nut has to be backed
off a turn or two to allow the bolt to slide back and forth in its slot. 
Second, the engine side seals should be released from the body.The one
axel ahead of the other thing is not unusual.  In fact I would say it's
common.  I brought this up on VV a while back for some answers but all I
got was wisea--.  The rear crossmember like the front one is just sheet
metal and will bend so I can only guess they have been hit hard to make
the axels out of sync.  If you can't be happy with the toe problem then
take the car to a frame shop. (not an allignment shop)  They can take
measurements and find what is out of whack.  I have given up after so
long a time and filed slots in the dogbone mounts to rotate the control
arm forward.  Crude but effective.