Murray, Rod Rod.Murray@disney.com
Wed, 10 Nov 2004 16:17:08 -0800

In response to the recent postings re:  Corvair Art, here's a friendly reminder that ART ON WHEELS will be out at the Fan Belt Toss on Saturday.  We specialize in providing Custom Personal Car Art for You and YOUR Vehicle.  Check out our website at www.artonwheels.net - lots of Corvair samples to get your creative juices flowing.  We'll be selling gift certificates at the event - just in time for the holidays, and at 10% below our already below-retail prices.  I look forward to seeing everyone at the event and the opportunity to share some ideas on how we can help you Frame YOUR Classic!  Combining your favorite collector's artwork and memorabilia with your own vehicle pix is just one easy option.    

See you this weekend!
Rod Murray
Art On Wheels
66 Monza Convt.