<VV> Re: Exploding tanks

HallGrenn@aol.com HallGrenn@aol.com
Mon, 27 Sep 2004 11:56:05 EDT

 For what's it worth, my '65 Monza was totalled when a farm tractor pulled in 
front of me when I was doing over 60mph.  The tractor had cast iron weights 
on the drive wheels and water filled tires.  I don't think it moved at all.  
The front of the car hit at the front of one of the drive wheels.  Luckily, the 
steering box wasn't directly hit.  The front of the car folded up like the 
beautiful crush zone it is without the tank leaking.  My steel army helmet was in 
the well of the trunk with the top pointing toward the suspension member and 
it was pushed back into it.  The suspension member pushed the tank back and 
the floor buckled under the pedals.  But no gas leak.  The police officer was 
impressed that I was able open the door and walk away.  I only had a lap belt so 
my face was cut badly by my shattered glasses when my head bent the steering 
wheel (only plastic lenses now!).  Everything healed up well.  I would have 
had an engine in my lap if I had had a water pumper.  I think our tanks are as 
well protected as todays cars.

Bob Hall