<VV> Fanz

Philip Alotis alotis at comcast.net
Tue Aug 2 01:19:23 EDT 2005

Ron I'm on your side in this fan foolishness but...

The heat produced by the energy lost to inefficiency in the corvairs fan ( or any other fan)

is MOSTLY pumped into the air stream produced by the fan.  It's not the belt and pulleys so much as the

blower heating the air it is pumping.  In just the same manner that a turbo charger (or any other blower) 

heats the air it compresses.  

   So IF the corvair fan is really, really, Inefficient, then the air it supplies to the engine 

would be hot and therefore not cool as well as a lesser volume of cooler air from a

Fabulously (read impossibly) efficient fan.

OverKill Phil

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