<VV> RE: 1st Convention attended

Western Canada CORSA westerncanadacorsa@shaw.ca
Fri Feb 11 05:58:53 EST 2005

My first convention attended would be....


I've been waiting 6 years for this.  So have a lot of other Canucklehead
'vair owners.  We're comin' down in force!  Hide your daughters and your


-----Original Message-----
From: virtualvairs-admin@corvair.org
[mailto:virtualvairs-admin@corvair.org]On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 2:50 PM
To: virtualvairs@corvair.org
Subject: <VV> RE: 1st Convention attended

That would be Tahoe 1999!

I had just assembled "Immortal Vair"  from the junkyard [salvaged title]
all Ultra parts, save the mechanical fuelpump [ try as I did..no Ultras
aroundand no one would trade a NEW for a good tested ULTRA  one].  It was
"sparkled"  by 6 different mfg.'s  sparkplugs...all correct and USED.....out
of my buds
trash bucket!  One cylinder head, 110,  had had a thermister added.....but
unfortunately the drill went into the chamber!..BUT  it was FREE!!  a little
valve lapping....3 qts. of ATF  for the 1st 2,000 miles and "the under 25
test" [
 my 25 yr. old son drove it for a week]  and a oil /filter change...and I

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