<VV> State Inspections

Arjay Morgan n3lkz@yahoo.com
Tue, 4 Jan 2005 19:53:08 -0800 (PST)

For the past couple of weeks there has been an
underlying thread dealing with the vagaries of the
various state inspection requirements; mostly decrying
the idiocy of bureaucratic regulations and the
cloddishness of inspectors.

Herein lies a universal truth: It's POLITICS folks.

And, what politicians giveth, politicians can taketh
away. To wit: Florida.

When I moved here 25 years ago there were State
Inspections given yearly at State Inspection
Stations--usually tin buildings that sweltered in the
summer sun, inhabited by swamp rats with wrenches.
They checked brakes, tire tread and headlight
alignment. For that you were charged about ten bucks.

Then, one fine day, our then-governor, Bob Graham,
took one of his cars to be inspected. The day was hot,
the line was long, the inspectors surly. All of which
tweaked Gov. Graham off. 

He made his dissatisfaction known and within two
months the State Inspection program was gone. Yes
friends, GONE, poof, finis, no more.

For a while some Florida counties had pollution
inspections, but once the massive fraud of that system
was exposed it too disappeared. 

The moral of the story is this: If you don't like how
your state handles car inspections you just need to
make a political issue of it, get active, and make it
go away.

Oh yes, accident rates did not go up in Florida once
the inspections went away. Interesting, eh?

Arjay Morgan
64 Monza convert

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