<VV> Conventional, Synthetic Blend, Full Synthetic

Vukas, Robert robert.vukas@jostens.com
Fri, 7 Jan 2005 11:16:47 -0600

What do any of you know about introducing synthetic blend oils or full
synthetic oil to our collector cars? The rumor mill would tell one that
through the years an old car would have its' seals cleaned out and leak
in a big way if synthetic oil was introduced to the system. The false
seals would give way to big trouble. Now, my car friends are telling me
that if one continues with the process that eventually the engine would
seal up again,in time,with the continued use of  synthetic oil.

My question is this: Is it worth using synthetic blend or full synthetic
oil in our collector cars for the added protection?

Bob Vukas
4000 SE Adams St.,Topeka,KS 66609
fax: 785-266-9267,attention: Bob
technical support: 1-800-328-2435
email: robert.vukas@jostens.com
www.yearbookave.com <http://www.yearbookave.com/>