<VV> Re: Corvair 95 grille function?

William D Conwill conwi1wd@cmich.edu
Tue, 11 Jan 2005 17:02:44 -0500

bAre you going to put this on an FC or are you going to put 
it on the wall like Famous Dave?  If it will be a wall 
ornament, you might pay less from the vendors if you tell 
them that you can use one that has dents, etc.  Of course, 
you don't want something too badly trashed but something 
between trash and driver quality might suit your purpose.b

Actually, Ibm planning a liquid-cooled bVair and I thought 
it would look good in between the headlights on a Sport 
Coupeb& almost factory!

Also, has there been a severe drop-off in posting lately or 
have I stopped receiving the digest for some reason?