<VV> 80 hp Engine for the " Pure Stock" restorer

Donald Manen donmanen at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 6 20:36:36 EDT 2005

The Lakewood I just acquired has an original 80 hp
letter ID "V" engine (automatic) and is running--- on
three year old gas!!!!- but I still drove it on and
off my haul trailer and around my place.  Engine has
one lifter that has not pumped up yet----I think --
but it has been parked for three years--- new manual
choke carbs, generator, regulator, (I'm keeping the
new starter) dosen't smoke and dosen't seem to
leak--PO says it was overhauled-----I just don't do 80
hp, or generators ---- and I'm not a "purist" --- need
it???? complete engine only- I won't sell (or trade)
parts of it.   contact me off VV.

Don Manen - -
 so many projects- so little time

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