<VV> Speaking of re-threading the needle...

J R Read_HML hmlinc at sbcglobal.net
Sun Mar 6 00:03:35 EST 2005

They don't drive fast enough in Florida to need anything beyond points.  In 
fact, two horsepower is probably plenty.  You have to understand that this 
is just opinion and others may feel differently.


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Later, JR

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Songs by Steve" <Songsbysteve at tampabay.rr.com>

Points versus Ignitor II??  On the one hand, there's
the argument that cars ran just fine with points before E-I was invented, so
why bother?  Just change the points once in a while.  On the other 

Stevie G

St. Petersburg, FL, home of the ever-expanding Ed's Universe of Corvair
Curiosities (He needs room!!)

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