<VV> Pan gasket

Dennis & Debbie Pleau ddpleau at earthlink.net
Sat May 7 21:10:04 EDT 2005

I took a look at my 66 which has been leaking a lot of oil.  It looks like 
it has been leaking around the pan gasket.  When I tried to tighten it down 
to 95 inch lbs. the gasket squished out (and one bolt stripped).  I pulled 
the pan and found it to be really distorted around the bolt holes.  I found 
a straight pan in the barn, but the only gasket I have is one of the thick 
paper ones.  Is their a chance it will seal?
The good news, is this is a car I bought a while back, I've put about 20k 
miles on it.  The pan was absolutely clean.


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