<VV> Car Sex

airvair airvair at richnet.net
Tue May 10 23:02:32 EDT 2005

While I've never particularly named any of my Corvairs (or any of my
cars whatsoever), I'd have to agree that IF Corvairs were of any given
sex, you'd be right. I've always heard earlies described as being
"cute," which might qualify them as feminine; while lates have always
been described as macho, just like Camaro Z cars.

Wouldn't that mean that early owners are wussies? (with a capital "P")


(Seriously though, I really don't acredit cars as sexual. Now

4carbcorvair wrote:
> I would say earlies are girls and lates are boys. I ALWAYS was told
> that my EM was "cute". My LM, people comment on how sporty it is. ;)
> --
> Ron Tinkham
> 66 Corsa Convertable, 140, 4sp.
> Maine

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