<VV> Unanswered questions, was: Browser Compatibility

airvair airvair at richnet.net
Fri May 13 15:53:33 EDT 2005

Ok Seth, out of all those browsers you listed, and their verious
versions, just how many are compatable and how many aren't? THAT is what
you DIDN'T answer. I wasn't asking for it by percentage of market share.
If I had, you could have said that it's compatable with ONLY Internet
Explorer, and NOTHING else, and STILL have said it's compatable with
"most" browsers. You're dealing with garbage data. Try answering its
compatability by number of browser brands/versions.

And of all the replies so far on this thread, NONE have addressed the
question of having the page's buttons on the RIGHT side of the page,
which blocks the cursor's path to the browser's scroll button. That,
simply put, is stupid planning; and has nothing to do with browser


Sethracer at aol.com wrote:
> It's not the fault of Netscape. My Netscape (one  or both versions)
> generally work fine with other sites. It's the fault of the  CORSA page.
> It's crap - too narrow a compatability window. What good is a  site
> that's only compatable on SOME browsers?
> -Mark
> One might  say Compatible with Most  Browsers.
> Internet  Explorer
> Firefox
> Mozilla
> Netscape
> Opera
> As of April 2005.  - Seth Emerson

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