<VV> Re: RUSTY VALVE SPRINGS and other drivel

N2VZD at aol.com N2VZD at aol.com
Fri May 13 19:34:00 EDT 2005

i used to clean lightly rusted springs quickly by putting them on a large 
screwdriver and holding them against a wire wheel.they come out nice. i also do 
pushrod tubes that way. i was told a long time agao that deeply rusted springs 
should be tossed because they were compromised and were likely to fail?  i 
just tossed a bunch of old iron today including valve springs , rockers, rusted 
cams, and differential housings. i have to get on with my cleanup. next , what 
do i do with a bucket of bad blower bearings, dampers,(cores) etc? i hate to 
toss them and shipping them would cost , but i need to get ready to move 
sometime soon and have 30 years of "stuff" here. trying to get a buck here and there 
, and tossing the rest. just keeping what i think i will need to someday 
finish my cars ..if i live long enough.
regards, tim colson

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