<VV> 12,000th archive post and some pretty funny searches...

Joe West joew at diveaz.com
Sun May 15 13:25:36 EDT 2005

Hi Tony,

In the case of searching the forum at virtualcorvairclub.com, the search is
performed using the SERVER's processors and not the user's computer.  The
time to search through roughly 13,000 posts for the word "sex" is .05
seconds, and it doesn't matter WHAT computer you are using to perform the
search.  The user's computer is only used to display the results (the html
code) and is never used to actually perform the search.  Even when the
archive hits 100,000 or so posts (or whatever the end number is), I
seriously doubt that any searches will take more than 10 seconds... unless
of course we have so many users on the forum that all four of the server's
processors are working at 100% and then perhaps searches will take longer.


On 5/15/05 1:05 PM, "Tony Underwood" <tonyu at roava.net> wrote:

> At 08:37 hours 05/15/2005, Alan and Clare Wesson wrote:
>> It's ten now - or 11?
>> Cheers
>> Alan
> It's expected to be 12 or more by now.
> Sometimes a search through an archive can take some serious time if the
> archive is relatively large, like ~50 meg or so... depending on the
> computer.  If you're using an antique laptop with a 300 mhz processor it
> can get tacky.   The desktop is much quicker...  but sometimes not
> accessible so I'm stuck with the laptop.

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