<VV> Re: Know the Law

Tim Verthein minoxphotographer at yahoo.com
Fri May 20 21:50:36 EDT 2005

Some will argue this is why the courts exist.
When you get right down to it, I would be afraid of a man who could
remember every detail of every traffic law on the books in any given
So you get the ticket. Go to court.  The judge who has every book,
statute, ordinance, etc... at his fingertips says "Oh..I see.  Case
The laws are many, some quite complicated, many change almost yearly,
and tha't just the TRAFFIC laws.  When you stop to think about it
knowing them all would be impossible.
It's a pain in the butt but that's how it works.


Hey gang,
---- The police chief claimed it's nearly impossible
> for a local cop to keep
> > all the laws straight.----- 

Perfect!!!!  Keep this in your glove box so it is
handy when you go into court. The police OBVIOUSLY
can't prosecute on laws they can't apply!!!  This is
also good grounds to question whether a cop, and for
that matter his chief, should stay on the job. Isn't
you ability to do a job part of the annual or
wehatever) evaluations?

Chuck Kubin

Stupidity is like nuclear power, it can be used for good or evil. 
But you still don't want to get any on you.

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