<VV> Steering me wrong

Stan East sgeast at interlog.com
Mon May 30 21:22:35 EDT 2005

From: "Tom  Wright" <tomsmail at sympatico.ca>


Well, how does something that should be easy end up hard?


I have the Flaming River steering box ready to put in my 66 coupe. I have a
69 steering column, so I have the steering coupler mounted on the box. Those
in the know are familiar with the grinding process I had to do on a brand
new box to get the coupler on. So why does it rub on the frame? Shouldn't
this be the same setup as a 69? And this is with two washers spacing the box
out from the frame already.


<snip>. Just didn't think there was a frame difference. Anything I am
missing? <snip>


Yes there is a frame difference between the 65-66 and the 67-69 frames there
is a dent in the frame to allow the lower steering coupling mounting. Been
there, done that almost, 30 years ago on the race car. If you want to see
the heated and dented frame You can call me and drive up north its only over
and hour away!


Stan East



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