<VV> Sedan Saga - Part 1

AeroNed at aol.com AeroNed at aol.com
Sun Nov 20 12:29:59 EST 2005

A Saga is not as fancy as an Odyssey...
I haven't put too much time into my new 1965 95 HP, PG sedan since I bought  
it back in July. I intend to keep the car as stock as I can with some  
modifications for safety and dependability. This Corvair will be my daily  driver.
The first objective was to get the engine cleaned up and running. I evicted  
the former tenants, cleaned and painted the shrouds, rebuilt the carbs, 
replaced  the o-rings, repaired the wiring harness, replaced the battery and a 
couple  hundred other little things up until yesterday. I finally got around to 
getting  everything ready to start the engine. Add a bit of fuel to the carbs the 
engine  successfully converted air and fuel into several complex noxious 
gases. The  engine was running off an external tank of gas because the car has sat 
for a few  years. The next step will be to remove the fuel tank for cleaning. 
I'll also be  installing the dual master cylinder, wheel cylinders, hoses and 
other brake  parts. After hearing the engine run, I'm really excited about 
returning this  fine automobile to the road.
I'll try to put together a wed site to show the progress in the future, but  
don't hold your breath.

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